somehow in the dark as to how this produc


When cannabis is used for medical purposes as prescribed by a pharmacist, it is referred to as “medical cannabis”. Although many physicians prescribe these products in treating health issues, we are still somehow in the dark as to how this product works to relieve some ailments.

However, there is tons of evidence from research and testimonies from users, that cannabis helps in relieving muscle spasms and in chronic pain management. Very little and almost insignificant evidence highlights the positive effect of cannabis on nausea from chemotherapy, insomnia, and boosting appetite for people with HIV/AIDS.

Many physicians go as far as recommendi ng cannabis as an alternative medical approach for the treatment of glaucoma, anorexia, migraine, and arthritis. They recommend this approach when they feel their patient is not responding to standard treatments. Click here for more info.


We are not yet certain when the United States will approve the use of cannabis as an official treatment for all the ailments that it addresses. We will keep our fingers crossed until then.


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